A few years ago, I was hospitalized due to an eye disease. I was young and scared and didn’t know what was going on. During this time of turmoil, I found solace in my daily visits from Art With a Heart in Healthcare (AWAHIH) volunteers. They brought paint, paper, crayons, markers, even jewelry making kits — all the things to make my dreams come true. The simple act of painting and drawing let my mind fly far and free from my deary hospital room.
AWAHIH is an non-profit organization located in Jacksonville, Florida that helps hospitalized children and young adults heal, physically, mentally and emotionally. It partners with children’s hospitals, like Wolfson’s Children’s Hospital, to offer its various programs, such as online experiences, beside painting and support group art therapy. AWAHI’s goal is to provide a way for pediatric patients to express themselves, respond to stress safely and heal from all that they have undergone.
While art alone does not heal, it can provide holistic mental and physical treatment. Art is not only a way to express one’s emotions in a healthy manner and to boost mental health, it can also provide both behavioral and occupational therapy, as shown by many scientific studies. According to the University of Florida’s College of the Arts, across the globe, art is used in healthcare to provide creative expression opportunities that support health and well-being. AWAHIH volunteers collaborate with doctors to provide tailored experiences that will best aid patients.
AWAHIH is a non-profit and therefore relies on donations of both money and art supplies for funding.
You can donate material goods or donate your time by volunteering for this worthy cause