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Freshman Lauren B.'s family starts holiday traditions right after Thanksgiving dinner by decorating their Christmas tree.
As temperatures begin to dip lower and coats become a daily accessory, GWUOHS members return from a relaxing Thanksgiving break (Nov. 22 to 26). During this five-day weekend, students and faculty were given a chance to unwind and commemorate the holiday of Thanksgiving.
Freshman Lauren B. uses this break to celebrate Thanksgiving with her relatives.
“My favorite part of Thanksgiving is being with family,” she expressed, “because that’s the thing that makes it feel like the holidays for me.”
History teacher Daniel Kelly, whose favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, described the holiday as relaxing and inexpensive.
“I always compare it to Christmas,” explained Kelly. “Thanksgiving is just a lot less stressful and a lot less expensive.”
In addition to being a time to spend with friends and family, Lauren finds that this holiday marks the start of all the holiday festivities.
“My family usually sets up the [Christmas] tree after Thanksgiving dinner,” she said.
Kelly completely agrees with that sentiment.
“You have the excitement of Thanksgiving, but you also have the rest of the holiday season to look forward to.”